Tulip Chain
A specialized browser , link checker, and editor for dmoz.org which presents the contents in an explorer view. (screenshot)

DMOZ Fall 2003 Editor Awards - Best Editor Produced Tool (Runner-up)
- Browse the entire open directory.
- Check sites for errors. (Demozulator)
- Recursive checking and reports.
- Autocorrection of some errors.
Download and install the Java2 Runtime Environment (J2SE JRE) from java.sun.com if you do not already have it installed. Tulip Chain now requires Java 1.4
Download the latest version of Tulip Chain (Executable Jar - 828k)
All you need to do is double click the jar file to start Tulip Chain.
Some systems may not support executable jar files correctly. If double clicking on the jar file does not work, try the following command lines:
java -jar tulip.jar
java -classpath tulip.jar com.Ostermiller.TulipChain.TulipChain
- Instructions - Basic instructions on how Tulip Chain works.
- Help - Explanations of all menu items and options.
- Source Code - Browsable source code.
- JavaDoc - Source code documentation.
- Comments - Send comments directly to the author (Stephen "deadsea" Ostermiller).
Known bugs:
- Sites need to be able to have more than one line of the table to describe the site properly.
Upcoming Features:
- More editing features
- Command line options
Version History:
- Works with unreviewed sites again.
- Unreviewed sites come from "raw" tab separated data feed from dmoz.org.
- Port 8080 is no longer an option to connect to dmoz.
- Partial reports due to "no such vector element" bug fixed.
- Corrected link to spell check.
- Autocorrect no longer corrupts non-ASCII characters in categories that are not UTF-8.
- HTML Reports in the character set that the directory uses for the category rather than always UTF-8
- Options dialog revamped.
- Dialog option for changing the locale to one of the included languages.
- Option to generate a report in any supported language.
- The stop button will not cause crashes.
- Opening a browser on Mac OS X will not cause crashes.
- Connection errors are classified into various types such as no dns, connection refused, timeout, etc.
- Certain connection errors are marked red instead of orange.
- A greenbust unreviewed queue can be opened from the right click menu.
- Uses the HTTPClient libraries to download sites.
- Knows about greenbust permissions in a category and acts appropriatly.
- Loading categories from editor dashboard works again.
- Link to Tulipchain Forum updated.
- Public and Editor Dmoz hosts are user configurable.
- Editor server defaults to editors.dmoz.org:8080.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
General Public License for more details.
Tulip Chain
Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Stephen Ostermiller