Converters, Calculators, and JavaScript
Fun and Games
- Play your your friend or your web browser with three levels of difficulty.
Multiplication Game
- A puzzle in which letters represent digits in a multiplication problem.
- A competitive mathmatical counting game that can be played in your web browser.
- Roll dice. Dice of any size are supported, as well as sets of dice that can be saved.
- A playing board for Sudoku that enforces the rules -- it only allows unique numbers in any row, column, or section.
Word calculator for Wordle
- Show which words fit into Wordle puzzles.
Currency Rate Exchange Conversion Calculator
- Convert any of over two hundred currencies into any other. Exchange rates updated daily.
Latitude and Longitute
- Converts between various formats of global coordinates.
- A calculator that can convert between units of length and distance.
Mortgage Calculator
- See how much a mortgage costs per month or in interestest for the life of the mortgage.
Scientific Calculator
- Features calculation history, math functions, hexidecimal, octal, and scientific notation.
Significant Figures
- A calculator that can format a number to have the specified number of significant digits.
- A temperature converter that uses significant digits.
- Calculator that uses trigonometry to calculate information about triangles.
- A calculator that can convert between units of length and distance.
Significant Figures
- A calculator that can format a number to have as many significant figures as desired.
- A temperature converter that uses significant figures and can display scientific notation.
Scientific Calculator
- Features calculation history, math functions, hexidecimal, octal, and scientific notation.
- Adjustable one month calendar with U.S. holidays.
- Displays the current time.
Clock and Calendar
- The clock and calendar on one page.
Currency Rate Exchange Conversion Calculator
- Convert any of over two hundred currencies into any other. Exchange rates updated daily.
Scientific Calculator
- Features calculation history, math functions, hexidecimal, octal, and scientific notation.
Password Creator
- Create secure random passwords.
Roman Numerals
- A calculator that can convert between Arabic and Roman numerals.
Scientific Calculator
- Features calculation history, math functions, hexidecimal, octal, and scientific notation.
- Calculator that uses trigonometry to calculate information about triangles.
- A competitive mathmatical counting game that can be played in your web browser.
Weight Chart
- Customize a weight chart that you can print out to record your weight.
Programmer's Cheat Sheet
- A reference for computer programmers.
Small ASCII Chart
- Chart that shows numeric character values in hex and decimal.
Large ASCII Chart
- Shows character values in hex, decimal, octal, and binary. Has descriptions for non-printable characters.
Scientific Calculator
- Features calculation history, math functions, hexidecimal, octal, and scientific notation.
URL and Base64 Encoder and Decoder
- Copy and paste data to be encoded or decoded using Base64 or URL encoding.
Max Sum in a Sequence
- Algorithm to find the maximum sum of any sub-sequence in a sequence of integers.
Google Analytics Time Period Links
- Links into your Google Analytics account for other than the default 30 day period.
Password Creator
- Create secure random passwords.
Mortgage Calculator
- See how much a mortgage costs per month or in interestest for the life of the mortgage.
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Stephen Ostermiller