TulipChain Help

Category Options

These options are available when you right click on a category.

Opens the dmoz edit page for the category in your web browser. This option is only available if you have permissions to edit the category. Otherwise the Become and Editor option will be available.
Become an Editor
Opens the application form in your web browser. This option is only available if you have permissions to edit the category. Otherwise the edit option will be available.
Check Sites
Check the sites in the category for dead links, redirects, and other problems. It will check only the sites in the category but not sites in subcategories. This will contact the sites and try to determine if the sites are functioning. The background behind the URLs will change color based on the results of this test. If you want to also check the sites in subcategories, choose "Check All Sites".
Check All Sites
Check the sites in the category and all subcategories for dead links, redirects, and other problems. It is available only in a category that has been spidered. If the category has not been spidered, it will need to be spidered before this option will appear. This will contact the sites and try to determine if the sites are functioning. The background behind the URLs will change color based on the results of this test.
Expand All
Makes all subcategories visible. It is available in a category that has been spidered. If the category has not been spidered, it will need to be spidered before this option will appear.
Generate Report
Lists the dead links, redirects, and other problems in an HTML document. This is most useful if sites in the category have been spidered and checked first. The report will include all subcategories if the category has been spidered. If the category has not been spidered it will only include sites in the category itself. The report can be given to other editors that cannot run TulipChain or saved for later use.
Reloads a category. This option will pull the latest version of sites from the public pages of the ODP. It will throw away all information about checked sites and subcategories (including the ones that are spidered.)
Downloads all the subcategories recursively. It is available if you right click on a category that has not been spidered. After a category has been spidered, this option will no longer be available. To respider a category, you may refresh the category first.
Spell Check
Opens rpfullers category spell checker for the category in your web browser.

Site Options

These options are available if you right click on highlighted sites. You perform these operations on several sites at once by highlighting several sites before right clicking. Hold down ctrl or shift while selecting sites to highlight more than one site.

Automatically correct URLs of sites that redirect. This option is only available sites that can be corrected automatically in a category that you have permission to edit. Sites that can be auto corrected are ones that have been checked and need a trailing slash or otherwise redirect. Before using this option, you should open the site and determine that the new URL will actually show the site.
Check the sites for dead links, redirects, and other problems. This will contact the site and try to determine if the site is functioning. The background behind the URL will change color based on the results of this test. You may also check all the sites in a category with the "Check Sites" or "Check All Sites" category options.
Deletes sites from the unreviewed queue. This option is only available in an unreviewed category. A box will appear requiring an explanation of why you are deleting sites.
Opens the dmoz edit page for the site in your web browser. This option is only available if you have permissions to edit in the category. Otherwise the Suggest a Change option will be available.
Displays the site in your web browser.
Suggest a Change
Suggest a change in the URL, title, or description of a site listed in the ODP. This option is only available if you do not have permissions to edit in the category. Otherwise, the edit option will be available.

Global Options

These options effect all sites that are checked. They can be found in the Edit menu under Options.


Maximum threads/connections
Tulipchain will try to check many sites at once, this is the most it will attempt at one go. The rest will be queued.
Check for updates on startup
New versions become available frequently. If this option is enabled, tulipchan will download a file from ostermiller.org that contains information about any software updates.
Minimum hours between checks
Amount of time between update checks.
Proxy Information
Use the system proxy (or none if no system proxy) or specify a specific proxy. A proxy is a server that all web requests go through. You will need to set the proxy if your web browser users a proxy.


Demote redirects
Case insensive substrings that indicate there is a problem more serious than a redirect when found in a redirect URL. A default list is provided. Add or remove items as you find redirects that are incorrectly classified.
Allow redirects to deep links as OK
Will not report as an error sites that redirect to a deep page. Examples of this might sites that add an index.html to their URL by redirect. Many times these deep links will change back without notice (or redirect). Many editors choose to ignore these.
Promote redirects
Case insensive substrings that indicate there is no problem with a redirect. Redirects thta happen only for TulipChain are good candidates here.
Meta redirects
Meta redirects are redirects that may happen after a delay. Some pages may put hour or more refresh on pages. These aren't really redirects, you may specify how quickly (in seconds) a redirect has to happen for it to be a redirect.

Report Options

Options that can be chosen when generating reports.

Include options
Types of sites to include on the report. You may wish to exclude sites that have a certain status or that are only in the unreviewed queue.
Links open new browser window
If links on the report should each open a new window when clicked or open the next page replacing the report.
Order lists
If lists are ordered they will be numbered. Othewise they will be bulleted.
Auto correct buttons
Reports can have the auto correct option for redirects.
Show empty categories
Categories which have no sites that are reported on may be excluded.
Name of the file to which the report is saved. (A list of reports is available for convenience.)