
Stephen Ostermiller's Cache Bookmarklets

Bookmarklets are useful peices of JavaScript code that you can save in your browser's bookmarks. When you then click this bookmark it will run the code against the current page rather than the usual "go to the bookmarked page" behavior of bookmarks.

Coral Cache

Go to the cache of the current page on the Coral network of cache servers.
The Coral Distribution Network is a peer to peer cache network organized by New York University.
Installed size: 140 bytes
Source code: - for examining or modifying the Coral Cache bookmarklet.
Browser compatability:
Firefox: Yes
Netscape: Yes
Internet Explorer: Yes
Opera: Yes
Mozilla: Yes
Safari: Yes
Konqueror: No
Categories: Cache

Google Cache

Go to the cache of the current page on Google.
The Google Search Engine maintains a cache of pages that it gathers while spidering the web to seed its search results.
Installed size: 139 bytes
Source code: - for examining or modifying the Google Cache bookmarklet.
Browser compatability:
Firefox: Yes
Netscape: Yes
Internet Explorer: Yes
Opera: Yes
Mozilla: Yes
Safari: Yes
Konqueror: No
Categories: Cache

Wayback Machine

Go to the cache of the current page in the Wayback Machine. is a digital library that periodically fetches and stores websites. You can then see how a website looked at various points in the past using their Wayback Machine.
Installed size: 82 bytes
Source code: - for examining or modifying the Wayback Machine bookmarklet.
Browser compatability:
Firefox: Yes
Netscape: Yes
Internet Explorer: Yes
Opera: Yes
Mozilla: Yes
Safari: Yes
Konqueror: Yes
Categories: Cache