Contact Form

Contact Form Error Messages

Here is a list of error messages that the contact form might present. Follow the link in each description to see the error on the example form.

Invalid email address

Email addresses are examined to make sure that they appear to be correctly formed (have an @, a user, and a domain). If an obviously invalid email address is entered, an error message will be displayed:

Missing subject

The subject of the message must be specified.

No message

The body of the message must be specified.

Recipient not specified

When the form has a drop down of multiple recipients, an error occurs when the user does not choose a recipient.

HTML link

Some spammers send their link to all the contact forms that the spammer can find to boost traffic to the links. To prevent this common contact form spam, the default configuration does now allow HTML formatted links.

Message board link

Spammers also like to abuse online forums with link spam. Contact form is sometimes mistaken as the "new post" form for a forum by spammers automatic spambots. To prevent this common contact form spam, the default configuration does now allow message board formatted links.

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