Attesoro - Translation editor for Java programs.
Better Templates for Everyone - A template language and template engine that can generate static content or dynamically compile pages with Servlets.
Ladder - A classic Donkey Kong style platform arcade game with ASCII graphics.
- Log Sorter - A command line utility to sort web logs in common log format.
Mp3Tagger - A utility to sort, organize, and neaten artists names, lyrics, titles, and other information that is stored in an MP3 file.
ShoutGrab - Software to save Internet radio to your computer as an MP3.
Syntax Highlighting - Libraries to add color to a programmer's text editor or to convert Java, C/C++, HTML, or other source files into colored HTML.
Tulip Chain - A browser and link checker for the open directory project.
Utilities - libraries for common programming tasks such as CSV files and Base64 encoding.
Web Move - Utility to replace every HTML document in a directory with a meta redirect.