Quercus albaLeaves are alternate, simple, lobed; with rounded tips. Fruit is an acorn.
The acorn is about 1 inch long, elliptical, and covered about 1/3 its length by a finely scaled, rounded cup. The twigs are fine, and gray to green in color. The bark is ashy gray to a very light gray and decidedly scaly. On older trunks it is somewhat ridged, but remains ashy gray and scaly. Leaves:
Bark: light ashy gray, mature trees - shallow and flaky Height: 80 to 100 ft. Trunk Diameter: 3 to 4 ft. Longevity: 500 to 600 yrs. Tolerance: intermediate, tendency to become more intolerant with age. Range: eastern U.S. Fun Facts:
This key was developed by "bt" in June 1982. It was put into HTML format by Stephen Ostermiller in July 1997. Copies of the entire guide in zip format that may be taken to camp on a laptop are available to those who write.