- BadDelimeterException - Exception in com.Ostermiller.util
An Illegal delimiter was specified.
- BadDelimeterException() - Constructor for exception com.Ostermiller.util.BadDelimeterException
Constructs an exception with null as its error detail message.
- BadDelimeterException(String) - Constructor for exception com.Ostermiller.util.BadDelimeterException
Constructs an exception with the specified detail message.
- BadDelimiterException - Exception in com.Ostermiller.util
An Illegal delimiter was specified.
- BadDelimiterException() - Constructor for exception com.Ostermiller.util.BadDelimiterException
Constructs an exception with null as its error detail message.
- BadDelimiterException(String) - Constructor for exception com.Ostermiller.util.BadDelimiterException
Constructs an exception with the specified detail message.
- BadLineEndingException - Exception in com.Ostermiller.util
An illegal line ending was specified.
- BadLineEndingException() - Constructor for exception com.Ostermiller.util.BadLineEndingException
Constructs an exception with null as its error detail message.
- BadLineEndingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.Ostermiller.util.BadLineEndingException
Constructs an exception with the specified detail message.
- BadQuoteException - Exception in com.Ostermiller.util
An illegal quote was specified.
- BadQuoteException() - Constructor for exception com.Ostermiller.util.BadQuoteException
Constructs an exception with null as its error detail message.
- BadQuoteException(String) - Constructor for exception com.Ostermiller.util.BadQuoteException
Constructs an exception with the specified detail message.
- Base64 - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Implements Base64 encoding and decoding as defined by RFC 2045: "Multi-purpose Internet
Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies" page 23.
- base64Chars - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Table of the sixty-four characters that are used as
the Base64 alphabet: [a-z0-9A-Z+/]
- Base64DecodingException - Exception in com.Ostermiller.util
Exception that is thrown when an unexpected character is encountered
during Base64 decoding.
- Base64DecodingException(String, char) - Constructor for exception com.Ostermiller.util.Base64DecodingException
Construct an new exception.
- BEFORE - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVLexer
lexical states
- BinaryDataException - Exception in com.Ostermiller.util
Signals that binary data was encountered and continuing
with a text operation would likely corrupt the data.
- BinaryDataException() - Constructor for exception com.Ostermiller.util.BinaryDataException
Constructs an IOException with null as its error detail message.
- BinaryDataException(String) - Constructor for exception com.Ostermiller.util.BinaryDataException
Constructs an IOException with the specified detail message.
- blockingWrite - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
True if a write to a full buffer should block until the buffer
has room, false if the write method should throw an IOException
- blockingWrite - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
True if a write to a full buffer should block until the buffer
has room, false if the write method should throw an IOException
- blockingWrite - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
True if a write to a full buffer should block until the buffer
has room, false if the write method should throw an IOException
- Browser - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Allows URLs to be opened in the system browser on Windows and Unix.
- Browser() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
- buffer - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
The circular buffer.
- buffer - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
The circular buffer.
- buffer - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
The circular buffer.
- BufferOverflowException - Exception in com.Ostermiller.util
An indication that there was a buffer overflow.
- BufferOverflowException() - Constructor for exception com.Ostermiller.util.BufferOverflowException
Create a new Exception
- BufferOverflowException(String) - Constructor for exception com.Ostermiller.util.BufferOverflowException
Create a new Exception with the given message.
- bytesRead - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
The number of bytes that have been read
from this stream.
- bytesReadSinceMark - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
The number of bytes that have been read
from this stream since mark() was called.
- byteValue() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Returns the value of this number as a byte.
- cancelButton - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
The cancel button.
- cat(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ArrayHelper
Concatenates the given arrays into a single long array.
- CGIParser - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Parses query string data from a CGI request into name value pairs.
- CGIParser(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CGIParser
- CGIParser(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CGIParser
Extract the name, value pairs from the given input stream and
make them available for retrieval.
- CGIParser(Reader) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CGIParser
- CGIParser(Reader, String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CGIParser
Extract the name, value pairs from the given reader and
make them available for retrieval.
- CGIParser(String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CGIParser
- CGIParser(String, String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CGIParser
Extract the name, value pairs from the given string and
make them available for retrieval.
- changeDelimiter(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVLexer
Change this Lexer so that it uses a new delimiter.
- changeDelimiter(char) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParse
Change this parser so that it uses a new delimiter.
- changeDelimiter(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Change this parser so that it uses a new delimiter.
- changeDelimiter(char) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Change this printer so that it uses a new delimiter.
- changeDelimiter(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Change this printer so that it uses a new delimiter.
- changeDelimiter(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Change this parser so that it uses a new delimiter.
- changeDelimiter(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Change this printer so that it uses a new delimiter.
- changeDelimiter(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LabeledCSVParser
Change this parser so that it uses a new delimiter.
- changeQuote(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVLexer
Change this Lexer so that it uses a new character for quoting.
- changeQuote(char) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParse
Change this parser so that it uses a new character for quoting.
- changeQuote(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Change this parser so that it uses a new character for quoting.
- changeQuote(char) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Change this printer so that it uses a new character for quoting.
- changeQuote(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Change this printer so that it uses a new character for quoting.
- changeQuote(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Change this parser so that it uses a new character for quoting.
- changeQuote(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Change this printer so that it uses a new character for quoting.
- changeQuote(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LabeledCSVParser
Change this parser so that it uses a new character for quoting.
- checkError() - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Flush the stream if it's not closed and check its error state.
- checkError() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Flush the stream if it's not closed and check its error state.
- checkError() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Flush the stream if it's not closed and check its error state.
- CircularByteBuffer - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Implements the Circular Buffer producer/consumer model for bytes.
- CircularByteBuffer() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
Create a new buffer with a default capacity.
- CircularByteBuffer(int) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
Create a new buffer with given capacity.
- CircularByteBuffer(boolean) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
Create a new buffer with a default capacity and
given blocking behavior.
- CircularByteBuffer(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
Create a new buffer with the given capacity and
blocking behavior.
- CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferInputStream - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Class for reading from a circular byte buffer.
- CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferOutputStream - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Class for writing to a circular byte buffer.
- CircularByteBufferInputStream() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferInputStream
- CircularByteBufferOutputStream() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferOutputStream
- CircularCharBuffer - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Implements the Circular Buffer producer/consumer model for characters.
- CircularCharBuffer() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
Create a new buffer with a default capacity.
- CircularCharBuffer(int) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
Create a new buffer with given capacity.
- CircularCharBuffer(boolean) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
Create a new buffer with a default capacity and
given blocking behavior.
- CircularCharBuffer(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
Create a new buffer with the given capacity and
blocking behavior.
- CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferReader - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Class for reading from a circular character buffer.
- CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferWriter - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Class for writing to a circular character buffer.
- CircularCharBufferReader() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferReader
- CircularCharBufferWriter() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferWriter
- CircularObjectBuffer<ElementType> - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Implements the Circular Buffer producer/consumer model for Objects.
- CircularObjectBuffer() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Create a new buffer with a default capacity.
- CircularObjectBuffer(int) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Create a new buffer with given capacity.
- CircularObjectBuffer(boolean) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Create a new buffer with a default capacity and
given blocking behavior.
- CircularObjectBuffer(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Create a new buffer with the given capacity and
blocking behavior.
- clear() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
Make this buffer ready for reuse.
- clear() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
Make this buffer ready for reuse.
- clear() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Make this buffer ready for reuse.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferInputStream
Close the stream.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferOutputStream
Close the stream, flushing it first.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferReader
Close the stream.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferWriter
Close the stream, flushing it first.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatInputStream
Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatReader
Close the stream and any underlying streams.
- close() - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParse
Close any stream upon which this parser is based.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Close any stream upon which this parser is based.
- close() - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Close any underlying streams.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Close any underlying streams.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Close any stream upon which this parser is based.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Close any underlying streams.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LabeledCSVParser
Close any stream upon which this parser is based.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseInputStream
Has no effect.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseOutputStream
Has no effect.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseReader
Has no effect.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseWriter
Has no effect.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
Close this stream and underlying streams.
- close() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StraightStreamReader
Close the stream.
- CmdLn - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Command line argument parser for Java command line programs.
- CmdLn(String[]) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
New command line options with the given command line arguments
- CmdLnArgumentException - Exception in com.Ostermiller.util
Exception thrown for a problem with a specific command line option.
- CmdLnException - Exception in com.Ostermiller.util
Exception thrown when a command line cannot be parsed.
- CmdLnListener - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Call back for when a command line option is found.
- CmdLnListener() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnListener
- CmdLnOption - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
A command line option used by the CommandLineOptions parser.
- CmdLnOption(String[]) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
- CmdLnOption(char[]) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
- CmdLnOption(String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
- CmdLnOption(Character) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
- CmdLnOption(String[], char[]) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
- CmdLnOption(String, Character) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
- CmdLnResult - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Result when a command line option is found.
- com.Ostermiller.util - package com.Ostermiller.util
- COMMENT - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVLexer
- commentStart - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Character used to start comments.
- ConcatInputStream - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
An input stream which reads sequentially from multiple sources.
- ConcatInputStream() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatInputStream
Create a new input stream that can dynamically accept new sources.
- ConcatInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatInputStream
Create a new InputStream with one source.
- ConcatInputStream(InputStream, InputStream) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatInputStream
Create a new InputStream with two sources.
- ConcatInputStream(InputStream[]) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatInputStream
Create a new InputStream with an arbitrary number of sources.
- ConcatReader - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
A reader which reads sequentially from multiple sources.
- ConcatReader() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatReader
Create a new reader that can dynamically accept new sources.
- ConcatReader(Reader) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatReader
Create a new reader with one source.
- ConcatReader(Reader, Reader) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatReader
Create a new reader with two sources.
- ConcatReader(Reader[]) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatReader
Create a new reader with an arbitrary number of sources.
- contains(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Test to see if a property with the given name exists.
- containsAny(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Tests to see if the given string contains any of the given terms.
- containsAnyIgnoreCase(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Tests to see if the given string contains any of the given terms.
- convert(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
Change the line endings of the text on the input stream and write
it to the output stream.
- convert(InputStream, OutputStream, int) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
Change the line endings of the text on the input stream and write
it to the output stream.
- convert(InputStream, OutputStream, boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
Change the line endings of the text on the input stream and write
it to the output stream.
- convert(InputStream, OutputStream, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
Change the line endings of the text on the input stream and write
it to the output stream.
- convert(File) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
Change the line endings on given file.
- convert(File, int) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
Change the line endings on given file.
- convert(File, boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
Change the line endings on given file.
- convert(File, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
Change the line endings on given file.
- convert(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Tabs
Read form the input stream, changing the tabs at the beginning of each line
to four spaces, write the result to the output stream.
- convert(InputStream, OutputStream, int) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Tabs
Read form the input stream, changing the tabs at the beginning of each line
to the specified number of spaces, write the result to the output stream.
- convert(InputStream, OutputStream, int, int) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Tabs
Read form the input stream, changing the tabs at the beginning of each line
to the specified number of spaces or the other way around, write the result
to the output stream.
- convert(InputStream, OutputStream, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Tabs
Read form the input stream, changing the tabs at the beginning of each line
to the specified number of spaces or the other way around, write the result
to the output stream.
- convert(File) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Tabs
Change the tabs at the beginning of each line of the file to four spaces.
- convert(File, int) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Tabs
Change the tabs at the beginning of each line of the file
to the specified number of spaces.
- convert(File, int, int) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Tabs
Change the tabs at the beginning of each line of the file
to the specified number of spaces or the other way around.
- convert(File, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Tabs
Change the tabs at the beginning of each line of the file
to the specified number of spaces or the other way around.
- countTokens() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Calculates the number of times that this tokenizer's nextToken
method can be called before it generates an exception.
- countTokens(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Calculates the number of times that this tokenizer's nextToken
method can be called before it generates an exception using the given set of
(non-token) delimiters.
- countTokens(String, boolean) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Calculates the number of times that this tokenizer's nextToken
method can be called before it generates an exception using the given set of
- countTokens(String, String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Calculates the number of times that this tokenizer's nextToken
method can be called before it generates an exception using the given set of
- countTokens(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Calculates the number of times that this tokenizer's nextToken
method can be called before it generates an exception using the given set of
- CSVLexer - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Read files in comma separated value format.
- CSVLexer(Reader) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVLexer
Creates a new scanner
There is also a java.io.InputStream version of this constructor.
- CSVLexer(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVLexer
Creates a new scanner.
- CSVParse - Interface in com.Ostermiller.util
Read files in comma separated value format.
- CSVParser - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Read files in comma separated value format.
- CSVParser(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Create a parser to parse comma separated values from
an InputStream.
- CSVParser(InputStream, char) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Create a parser to parse delimited values from
an InputStream.
- CSVParser(Reader) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Create a parser to parse comma separated values from
a Reader.
- CSVParser(Reader, char) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Create a parser to parse delimited values from
a Reader.
- CSVParser(InputStream, char, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Create a parser to parse delimited values from
an InputStream.
- CSVParser(InputStream, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Create a parser to parse comma separated values from
an InputStream.
- CSVParser(Reader, char, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Create a parser to parse delimited values from
a Reader.
- CSVParser(Reader, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Create a parser to parse comma separated values from
a Reader.
- CSVPrint - Interface in com.Ostermiller.util
Print values as a comma separated list.
- CSVPrinter - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Print values as a comma separated list.
- CSVPrinter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- CSVPrinter(Writer) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- CSVPrinter(OutputStream, char) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- CSVPrinter(Writer, char) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- CSVPrinter(Writer, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- CSVPrinter(Writer, char, char, char) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- CSVPrinter(Writer, char, char, char, String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- CSVPrinter(Writer, char, char, char, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- CSVPrinter(Writer, char, char, char, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- decode(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode a Base64 encoded String.
- decode(String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode a Base64 encoded String.
- decode(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode a Base64 encoded String.
- decode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded bytes.
- decode(byte[], OutputStream) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded bytes to the an OutputStream.
- decode(File) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded data from one file to the other.
- decode(File, boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded data from one file to the other.
- decode(File, File) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded data from one file to the other.
- decode(File, File, boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded data from one file to the other.
- decode(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded data from the InputStream to the OutputStream.
- decode(InputStream, OutputStream, boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded data from the InputStream to the OutputStream.
- decodeToBytes(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode a Base64 encoded String.
- decodeToBytes(String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode a Base64 encoded String.
- decodeToBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded bytes.
- decodeToBytes(InputStream) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded data from the InputStream to a byte array.
- decodeToStream(String, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode a Base64 encoded String to an OutputStream.
- decodeToStream(String, String, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode a Base64 encoded String to an OutputStream.
- decodeToStream(byte[], OutputStream) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded bytes to the an OutputStream.
- decodeToString(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode a Base64 encoded String.
- decodeToString(String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode a Base64 encoded String.
- decodeToString(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode a Base64 encoded String.
- decodeToString(byte[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded bytes.
- decodeToString(byte[], String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded bytes.
- decodeToString(InputStream) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded data from the InputStream to a String.
- decodeToString(InputStream, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Decode Base64 encoded data from the InputStream to a String.
- defaultCommands() - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
Retrieve the default commands to open a browser for this system.
- delimiterChar - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Character written as field delimiter.
- delimiterChar - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Character written as field delimiter.
- delimsChangedPosition - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Indicates at which position the delimiters last changed.
- dialog - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
The dialog that allows user configuration of the options for this class.
- dialogConfiguration(Frame) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
Show a dialog that allows the user to configure the
command lines used for starting a browser on their system.
- dialogConfiguration(Frame, Properties) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
- dialogInit() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Called by constructors to initialize the dialog.
- displayURL(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
Display a URL in the system browser.
- displayURL(String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
Display the URL in the named window.
- displayURLinNew(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
Display the URL in a new window.
- displayURLs(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
Display the URLs, each in their own window, in the system browser.
- displayURLs(String[], String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
Display the URLs in the named windows.
- displayURLs(String[], String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
Display the URLs the first in the given named window.
- displayURLsinNew(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
Display the URLs, each in their own window, in the system browser and the first in
the named window.
- done() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
This method should be used by the producer to signal to the consumer
that the producer is done producing objects and that the consumer
should stop asking for objects once it has used up buffered objects.
- done() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Parallelizer
Return true iff all jobs that have been requested to run
in this Parallelizer have completed.
- doubleValue() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Returns the value of this number as a double.
- dumpStack() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Parallelizer
Dump the stack of each running thread.
- emptyReturned - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
One of two variables used to maintain state through
the tokenizing process.
- encode(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Encode a String in Base64.
- encode(String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Encode a String in Base64.
- encode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Encode bytes in Base64.
- encode(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Encode bytes in Base64.
- encode(File) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Encode this file in Base64.
- encode(File, boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Encode this file in Base64.
- encode(File, File) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Encode this file in Base64.
- encode(File, File, boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Encode this file in Base64.
- encode(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Encode data from the InputStream to the OutputStream in Base64.
- encode(InputStream, OutputStream, boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Encode data from the InputStream to the OutputStream in Base64.
- encodeToString(byte[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Encode bytes in Base64.
- encodeToString(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Encode bytes in Base64.
- endsWithAny(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Tests to see if the given string ends with any of the given terms.
- endsWithAnyIgnoreCase(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Tests to see if the given string ends with any of the given terms.
- EnumerationIterator<ElementType> - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Converts an Enumeration to an iterator.
- EnumerationIterator(Enumeration<ElementType>) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.EnumerationIterator
Create an Iterator from an Enumeration.
- equal(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ArrayHelper
Tests two arrays to see if the arrays are equal.
- equalsAny(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Tests to see if the given string equals any of the given terms.
- equalsAnyIgnoreCase(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Tests to see if the given string equals any of the given terms.
- error - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
true iff an error has occurred.
- error - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
true iff an error has occurred.
- escapeHTML(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Replaces characters that may be confused by a HTML
parser with their equivalent character entity references.
- escapeJavaLiteral(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Replaces characters that are not allowed in a Java style
string literal with their escape characters.
- escapeRegularExpressionLiteral(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Escapes characters that have special meaning to
regular expressions
- escapeSQL(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Replaces characters that may be confused by an SQL
parser with their equivalent escape characters.
- ExcelCSVParser - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Read files in comma separated value format as outputted by the Microsoft
Excel Spreadsheet program.
- ExcelCSVParser(InputStream, char) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Create a parser to parse delimited values from
an InputStream.
- ExcelCSVParser(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Create a parser to parse comma separated values from
an InputStream.
- ExcelCSVParser(Reader, char) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Create a parser to parse delimited values from
a Reader.
- ExcelCSVParser(Reader) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Create a parser to parse comma separated values from
a Reader.
- ExcelCSVPrinter - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Print values as a comma separated list that can be read by the
Excel spreadsheet.
- ExcelCSVPrinter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- ExcelCSVPrinter(Writer) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- ExcelCSVPrinter(Writer, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- ExcelCSVPrinter(Writer, char, char) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- ExcelCSVPrinter(Writer, char, char, String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- ExcelCSVPrinter(Writer, char, char, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- ExcelCSVPrinter(Writer, char, char, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Create a printer that will print values to the given
- exec - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
A list of commands to try in order to display the url.
- exec(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExecHelper
Executes the specified command and arguments in a separate process, and waits for the
process to finish.
- exec(String[], String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExecHelper
Executes the specified command and arguments in a separate process, and waits for the
process to finish.
- exec(String[], String[], File) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExecHelper
Executes the specified command and arguments in a separate process, and waits for the
process to finish.
- exec(String[], String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExecHelper
Executes the specified command and arguments in a separate process, and waits for the
process to finish.
- exec(String[], String[], String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExecHelper
Executes the specified command and arguments in a separate process, and waits for the
process to finish.
- exec(String[], String[], File, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExecHelper
Executes the specified command and arguments in a separate process, and waits for the
process to finish.
- ExecHelper - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Convenience methods for executing non-Java processes.
- execUsingShell(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExecHelper
Executes the specified command using a shell.
- execUsingShell(String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExecHelper
Executes the specified command using a shell.
- ExtraCmdLnArgumentException - Exception in com.Ostermiller.util
Exception thrown when a command line option is missing an argument
- getAllValues() - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParse
Get all the values from the file.
- getAllValues() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Get all the values from the file.
- getAllValues() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Get all the values from the file.
- getAllValues() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LabeledCSVParser
Get all the values from the file.
- getAppletInfo() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPassApplet
Get information such as the name of this applet, the author of
this applet, and a description of this applet.
- getArgument() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnResult
get the first argument, or null if no arguments
- getArgument() - Method in exception com.Ostermiller.util.UnknownCmdLnOptionException
Get the argument that caused this exception
- getArgumentCount() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnResult
Get the argument count for this option
- getArguments() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnResult
Get all the arguments, in the order that
they were specified.
- getAvailable() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
Get number of bytes that are available to be read.
- getAvailable() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
Get number of characters that are available to be read.
- getAvailable() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Get number of Objects that are available to be read.
- getBytesLeft() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
Get the maximum number of bytes left to read
before the limit (set in the constructor) is reached.
- getBytesRead() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
Get the number of bytes actually read
from this stream.
- getChar() - Method in exception com.Ostermiller.util.Base64DecodingException
Get the character that caused this error.
- getComment(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Get the comment associated with this property.
- getComment() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Get the comment associated with this set of properties.
- getContainsAnyIgnoreCasePattern(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string
contains any of the given terms.
- getContainsAnyPattern(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string
contains any of the given terms.
- getCurrentPosition() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Get the the index of the character immediately
following the end of the last token.
- getDescription() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
- getDialogPanel(Window) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
If you wish to add to your own dialog box rather than have a separate
one just for the browser, use this method to get a JPanel that can
be added to your own dialog.
- getEndsWithAnyIgnoreCasePattern(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string
ends with any of the given terms.
- getEndsWithAnyPattern(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string
ends with any of the given terms.
- getEqualsAnyIgnoreCasePattern(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string
equals any of the given terms.
- getEqualsAnyPattern(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string
equals any of the given terms.
- getError() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExecHelper
Get the error output of the job that ran.
- getHash() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Gets this hash sum as an array of 16 bytes.
- getHash(byte[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Gets the MD5 hash of the given byte array.
- getHash(InputStream) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Gets the MD5 hash the data on the given InputStream.
- getHash(File) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Gets the MD5 hash of the given file.
- getHash(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Gets the MD5 hash of the given String.
- getHash(String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Gets the MD5 hash of the given String.
- getHash() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5InputStream
Returns array of bytes representing hash of the stream so far.
- getHash() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5OutputStream
Returns array of bytes representing hash of the stream so far.
- getHashString() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Returns 32-character hex representation of this hash.
- getHashString(byte[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Gets the MD5 hash of the given byte array.
- getHashString(InputStream) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Gets the MD5 hash the data on the given InputStream.
- getHashString(File) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Gets the MD5 hash of the given file.
- getHashString(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Gets the MD5 hash of the given String.
- getHashString(String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Gets the MD5 hash of the given String.
- getHashString() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5InputStream
Get a 32-character hex representation representing hash of the stream so far.
- getHashString() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5OutputStream
Get a 32-character hex representation representing hash of the stream so far.
- getHelp() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Print help for the command line options.
- getHelp(int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Print help for the command line options.
- getInputStream() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
Retrieve a InputStream that can be used to empty
this buffer.
- getLabelIdx(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LabeledCSVParser
Get the index of the column having the given label.
- getLabelIndex(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LabeledCSVParser
- getLabels() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LabeledCSVParser
Return an array of all field names from the top
of the CSV file.
- getLastLineNumber() - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParse
Get the line number that the last token came from.
- getLastLineNumber() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Get the number of the line from which the last value was retrieved.
- getLastLineNumber() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Get the number of the line from which the last value was retrieved.
- getLastLineNumber() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LabeledCSVParser
Get the line number that the last token came from.
- getLine() - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParse
Get all the values from a line.
- getLine() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Get all the values from a line.
- getLine() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Get all the values from a line.
- getLine() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LabeledCSVParser
Get all the values from a line.
- getLineNumber() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVLexer
Get the line number that the last token came from.
- getLSD() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Get the decimal place of the least significant digit.
- getMaxBytesToRead() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
Get the number of total bytes (including bytes already read)
that can be read from this stream (as set in the constructor).
- getMessage() - Method in exception com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnArgumentException
- getMessage() - Method in exception com.Ostermiller.util.UnknownCmdLnOptionException
- getMSD() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Get the decimal place of the most significant digit.
- getName() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NameValuePair
Get the name of the pair.
- getName() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Get the name that was entered into the dialog before
the dialog was closed.
- getNextToken() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVLexer
Resumes scanning until the next regular expression is matched,
the end of input is encountered or an I/O-Error occurs.
- getNonOptionArguments() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Get the left over arguments -- the arguments that are not
associated with any arguments.
- getNumberSignificantFigures() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Get the number of significant digits.
- getOption() - Method in exception com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnArgumentException
Get the option that caused this exception
- getOption() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnResult
- getOption() - Method in exception com.Ostermiller.util.UnknownCmdLnOptionException
Get the option that caused this exception
- getOutput() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExecHelper
Get the output of the job that ran.
- getOutputStream() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
Retrieve a OutputStream that can be used to fill
this buffer.
- getParameter(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CGIParser
Returns the value of a request parameter as a String, or null if the parameter does
not exist.
- getParameterNameList() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CGIParser
Returns the names of the
parameters contained in this request.
- getParameterNames() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CGIParser
Returns an Enumeration of String objects containing the names of the
parameters contained in this request.
- getParameters() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CGIParser
Get the all the parameters in the order in which they were added.
- getParameterValues(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CGIParser
Returns an array of String objects containing all of the values the given request
parameter has, or null if the parameter does not exist.
- getPass() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Get the password that was entered into the dialog before
the dialog was closed.
- getPass(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Generate a random password of the given length.
- getPass() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Generate a random password of the default length (8).
- getPassChars(char[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Fill the given buffer with random characters.
- getPassChars(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Generate a random password of the given length.
- getPassChars() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Generate a random password of the default length (8).
- getProperties(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Get the values for a property.
- getProperties(String, String[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Get the values for a property.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Get the first property with the given name.
- getProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Get the first property with the given name.
- getPropertyNameCount() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Get the number of unique names for properties stored
in this UberProperties.
- getReader() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
Retrieve a Reader that can be used to empty
this buffer.
- getResult(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Get the last result associated with the given argument.
- getResult(Character) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Get the last result associated with the given argument.
- getResult(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Get the last result associated with the given argument.
- getResult(CmdLnOption) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Get the last result associated with the option.
- getResult() - Method in exception com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnArgumentException
Get the partial result with missing arguments.
- getResults() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Get all the results in
the order in which they appear in the command line.
- getResults(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Get all the results associated with the given argument in
the order in which they appear in the command line.
- getResults(Character) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Get all the results associated with the given argument in
the order in which they appear in the command line.
- getResults(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Get all the results associated with the given argument in
the order in which they appear in the command line.
- getResults(CmdLnOption) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Get all the results associated with the given argument in
the order in which they appear in the command line.
- getRunningThreads() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Parallelizer
Gets a list of all running threads.
- getSize() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
Get the capacity of this buffer.
- getSize() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
Get the capacity of this buffer.
- getSize() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Get the capacity of this buffer.
- getSpaceLeft() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
Get the number of bytes this buffer has free for
- getSpaceLeft() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
Get the number of characters this buffer has free for
- getSpaceLeft() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Get the number of Objects this buffer has free for
- getStartsWithAnyIgnoreCasePattern(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string
starts with any of the given terms.
- getStartsWithAnyPattern(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Compile a pattern that can will match a string if the string
starts with any of the given terms.
- getStatus() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExecHelper
Get the status of the job that ran.
- getUserObject() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
An object that may be set by the user.
- getValue() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NameValuePair
Get the value of the pair.
- getValueByLabel(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LabeledCSVParser
Given the label for the column, get the column from the last line that
was read.
- getWriter() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
Retrieve a Writer that can be used to fill
this buffer.
- guessTabWidth(InputStream) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Tabs
Guess the number of spaces per tab at the beginning of each line.
- LabeledCSVParser - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Decorate a CSVParse object to provide an index of field names.
- LabeledCSVParser(CSVParse) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.LabeledCSVParser
Construct a LabeledCSVParser on a CSVParse implementation.
- labels - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Locale specific strings displayed to the user.
- labels - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
Locale specific strings displayed to the user.
- labels - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.FileHelper
Locale specific strings displayed to the user.
- labels - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
Locale specific strings displayed to the user.
- labels - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Locale specific strings displayed to the user.
- labels - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Locale specific strings displayed to the user.
- labels - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.Tabs
Locale specific strings displayed to the user.
- lastAlphabet - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Set of characters which may be
used for the last character
in the generated passwords.
- lastInputStreamAdded() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatInputStream
Causes the addInputStream method to throw IllegalStateException
and read() methods to return -1 (end of stream)
when there is no more available data.
- lastLineNumber() - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParse
Get the line number that the last token came from.
- lastLineNumber() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Get the line number that the last token came from.
- lastLineNumber() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Get the line number that the last token came from.
- lastLineNumber() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LabeledCSVParser
Get the line number that the last token came from.
- lastReaderAdded() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatReader
Causes the addReader method to throw IllegalStateException
and read() methods to return -1 (end of stream)
when there is no more available data.
- LETTERS_ALPHABET - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Alphabet consisting of upper and lower case letters A-Z.
- lineEnding - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
The line ending, must be one of "\n", "\r", or "\r\n"
- lineEnding - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
The line ending, must be one of "\n", "\r", or "\r\n"
- LineEnds - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Stream editor to alter the line separators on text to match
that of a given platform.
- LineEnds() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
- load(Properties) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
Load the options for this class from the given properties file.
- load(String[], String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Load these properties from a user file with default properties
from a system resource.
- load(InputStream, boolean) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Add the properties from the input stream to this
- load(InputStream) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Add the properties from the input stream to this
- longValue() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Returns the value of this number as a long.
- LOWERCASE_LETTERS_ALPHABET - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Alphabet consisting of the lower case letters A-Z.
- LOWERCASE_LETTERS_AND_NUMBERS_ALPHABET - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Alphabet consisting of the lower case letters A-Z and
the digits 0-9.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Converts the line ending on files, or standard input.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
Open the url(s) specified on the command line in your browser.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVLexer
Prints out tokens and line numbers from a file or System.in.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
Converts the line ending on files, or standard input.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Command line program that will take files as arguments
and output the MD5 sum for each file.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Generate a random passwords.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Tabs
Converts the tabs in files, or standard input.
- mark(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferInputStream
Mark the present position in the stream.
- mark(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferReader
Mark the present position in the stream.
- mark(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatInputStream
Mark not supported
- mark(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatReader
Mark not supported.
- mark(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseInputStream
- mark(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseReader
- mark(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
- mark(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StraightStreamReader
Mark the present position in the stream.
- markPosition - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
Index of the first saved byte.
- markPosition - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
Index of the first saved character.
- markReadLimitBytes - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
The number of bytes the user has request
to have been marked for reset.
- markSize - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
Number of bytes that have to be saved
to support mark() and reset() on the InputStream.
- markSize - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
Number of characters that have to be saved
to support mark() and reset() on the Reader.
- markSupported() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferInputStream
Tell whether this stream supports the mark() operation.
- markSupported() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferReader
Tell whether this stream supports the mark() operation.
- markSupported() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatInputStream
Does not support mark.
- markSupported() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatReader
Mark not supported.
- markSupported() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseInputStream
- markSupported() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseReader
- markSupported() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
- markSupported() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StraightStreamReader
Tell whether this stream supports the mark() operation.
- maxBytesToRead - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
The number of bytes to read at most from this
- maxDelimChar - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Stores the value of the delimiter character with the
highest value.
- MD5 - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
MD5 hash generator.
- MD5() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Class constructor
- MD5InputStream - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Implements MD5 functionality on a stream.
- MD5InputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5InputStream
Creates a MD5InputStream
- MD5OutputStream - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Implements MD5 functionality on a stream.
- MD5OutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5OutputStream
Creates MD5OutputStream
- midpad(String, int) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Pad the beginning and end of the given String with spaces until
the String is of the given length.
- midpad(String, int, char) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Pad the beginning and end of the given String with the given character
until the result is the desired length.
- MissingCmdLnArgumentException - Exception in com.Ostermiller.util
Exception thrown when a command line option is missing an argument
- move(File, File) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.FileHelper
Move a file from one location to another.
- move(File, File, boolean) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.FileHelper
Move a file from one location to another.
- name - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Where the name is typed.
- nameLabel - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
The label for the field in which the name is typed.
- NameValuePair - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Represents a name value pair as would be used as a CGI parameter.
- NameValuePair(String, String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.NameValuePair
Construct a name value pair.
- newLine - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
True iff we just began a new line.
- newLine - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
True iff we just began a new line.
- next() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ArrayIterator
Returns the next element of this Iterator if this Iterator
object has at least one more element to provide.
- next() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.EnumerationIterator
Returns the next element of this Iterator if this Iterator
object has at least one more element to provide.
- next() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Returns the same value as the nextToken()
method, except that
its declared return value is Object
rather than
- nextElement() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ArrayEnumeration
Returns the next element of this enumeration if this enumeration
object has at least one more element to provide.
- nextElement() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.IteratorEnumeration
Returns the next element of this enumeration if this enumeration
object has at least one more element to provide.
- nextElement() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Returns the same value as the nextToken()
method, except that
its declared return value is Object
rather than
- nextToken() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Returns the next token from this string tokenizer.
- nextToken(String, String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Returns the next token in this string tokenizer's string.
- nextToken(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Returns the next token in this string tokenizer's string.
- nextToken(String, boolean) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Returns the next token in this string tokenizer's string.
- nextToken(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Returns the next token in this string tokenizer's string.
- nextValue() - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParse
Read the next value from the file.
- nextValue() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
get the next value.
- nextValue() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
get the next value.
- nextValue() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.LabeledCSVParser
Read the next value from the file.
- NoCloseInputStream - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
An input stream with a close method with no effect.
- NoCloseInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseInputStream
Protect a new input stream.
- NoCloseOutputStream - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
An output stream with a close method with no effect.
- NoCloseOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseOutputStream
Protect a new output stream.
- NoCloseReader - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
A reader which a close method with no effect.
- NoCloseReader(Reader) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseReader
Protect a new reader.
- NoCloseStream - Interface in com.Ostermiller.util
A wrapper for a stream (either input or output)
which has a close method with no effect.
- NoCloseWriter - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
A writer with a close method with no effect.
- NoCloseWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseWriter
Protect a new writer.
- NONCONFUSING_ALPHABET - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Alphabet consisting of upper and lower case letters A-Z and
the digits 0-9 but with characters that are often mistaken
for each other when typed removed.
- nontokenDelims - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
The set of non-token delimiters.
- NUMBERS_AND_LETTERS_ALPHABET - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Alphabet consisting of upper and lower case letters A-Z and
the digits 0-9.
- Parallelizer - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Runs multiple jobs in parallel, n threads at a time, and waits
until all threads are complete before continuing.
- Parallelizer() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.Parallelizer
Create a new Parallelizer with no limit on the number
of threads that will be allowed to be run concurrently.
- Parallelizer(int) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.Parallelizer
Create a new Parallelizer with the specified limit on the number
of threads that will be allowed to be run concurrently.
- parse() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Parse the command line options if they have not already been parsed.
- parse(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Parse the comma delimited data from a string.
- parse(String, char) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Parse the delimited data from a string.
- parse(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Parse the comma delimited data from a string.
- parse(String, char, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Parse the delimited data from a string.
- parse(Reader, char) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Parse the comma delimited data from a stream.
- parse(Reader) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Parse the delimited data from a stream.
- parse(Reader, char, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Parse the delimited data from a stream.
- parse(Reader, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Parse the comma delimited data from a stream.
- parse(String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Parse the comma delimited data from a string.
- parse(String, char) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Parse the delimited data from a string.
- parse(Reader) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Parse the comma delimited data from a stream.
- parse(Reader, char) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Parse the delimited data from a stream.
- pass - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Where the password is typed.
- passLabel - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
The label for the field in which the password is typed.
- PasswordDialog - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
A modal dialog that asks the user for a user name and password.
- PasswordDialog(Frame, String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Create this dialog with the given parent and title.
- PasswordDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Create this dialog with the given parent and the default title.
- PasswordDialog() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Create this dialog with the default title.
- PasswordVerifier - Interface in com.Ostermiller.util
Interface to verify passwords.
- peek() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Returns the same value as nextToken() but does not alter
the internal state of the Tokenizer.
- position - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
One of two variables used to maintain state through
the tokenizing process.
- postpad(String, int) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Pad the end of the given String with spaces until
the String is of the given length.
- postpad(String, int, char) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Append the given character to the String until
the result is the desired length.
- prepad(String, int) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Pad the beginning of the given String with spaces until
the String is of the given length.
- prepad(String, int, char) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Pre-pend the given character to the String until
the result is the desired length.
- present(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Whether or not the specified option is present in the command line.
- present(Character) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Whether or not the specified option is present in the command line.
- present(char) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Whether or not the specified option is present in the command line.
- present(CmdLnOption) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Whether or not the specified option is present in the command line.
- print(Object[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ArrayHelper
Prints out a comma separated list of all the objects
in the array on a single line in CSV format.
- print(String) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Print the string as the next value on the line.
- print(String[]) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Print multiple delimited values values.
- print(String[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Print a single line of comma separated values.
- print(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Print the string as the next value on the line.
- print(String[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Print a single line of comma separated values.
- print(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Print the string as the next value on the line.
- PRINTABLE_ALPHABET - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Alphabet consisting of all the printable ASCII characters.
- printHelp() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Print help for the command line options to standard output.
- printHelp(OutputStream) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Print help for the command line options.
- printHelp(Writer) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Print help for the command line options.
- printHelp(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Print help for the command line options.
- printHelp(int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Print help for the command line options to standard output.
- printHelp(OutputStream, int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Print help for the command line options.
- printHelp(Writer, int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Print help for the command line options.
- printHelp(PrintWriter, int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Print help for the command line options.
- println(String) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Print the string as the last value on the line.
- println() - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Output a blank line.
- println(String[]) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Print a single line of comma separated values.
- println(String[][]) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Print several lines of comma separated values.
- println(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Print the string as the last value on the line.
- println() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Output a blank line.
- println(String[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Print a single line of comma separated values.
- println(String[][]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Print several lines of comma separated values.
- println(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Print the string as the last value on the line.
- println() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Output a blank line.
- println(String[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Print a single line of comma separated values.
- println(String[][]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Print several lines of comma separated values.
- printlnComment(String) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
If the CSV format supports comments, write the comment
to the file on its own line, otherwise, start a new line.
- printlnComment(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Put a comment among the comma separated values.
- printlnComment(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Since ExcelCSV format does not support comments,
this method will ignore the comment and start
a new row.
- propertyNames() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Returns an enumeration of all the keys in this property list, including
distinct keys in the default property list if a key of the same name has
not already been found from the main properties list.
- rand - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Random number generator used.
- RandPass - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Generates a random String using a cryptographically
secure random number generator.
- RandPass() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Create a new random password generator
with the default secure random number generator
and default NONCONFUSING alphabet for all characters.
- RandPass(SecureRandom) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Create a new random password generator
with the given secure random number generator
and default NONCONFUSING alphabet for all characters.
- RandPass(char[]) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Create a new random password generator
with the default secure random number generator
and given alphabet for all characters.
- RandPass(SecureRandom, char[]) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Create a new random password generator
with the given secure random number generator
and given alphabet for all characters.
- RandPassApplet - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
An applet that will let the user generate random passwords.
- RandPassApplet() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPassApplet
- read() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferInputStream
Read a single byte.
- read(byte[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferInputStream
Read bytes into an array.
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferInputStream
Read bytes into a portion of an array.
- read() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferReader
Read a single character.
- read(char[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferReader
Read characters into an array.
- read(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferReader
Read characters into a portion of an array.
- read() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Get a single Object from this buffer.
- read(ElementType[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Get Objects into an array from this buffer.
- read(ElementType[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Get Objects into a portion of an array from this buffer.
- read() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatInputStream
Reads the next byte of data from the underlying streams.
- read(byte[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatInputStream
Reads some number of bytes from the underlying streams and stores them into
the buffer array b.
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatInputStream
Reads up to length bytes of data from the underlying streams into an array of bytes.
- read() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatReader
Read a single character.
- read(char[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatReader
Read characters into an array.
- read(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatReader
Read characters into a portion of an array.
- read() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5InputStream
Reads the next byte of data from this input stream.
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5InputStream
Reads up to length bytes of data from this input stream into an
array of bytes.
- read() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseInputStream
- read(byte[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseInputStream
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseInputStream
- read() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseReader
- read(char[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseReader
- read(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseReader
- read() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
- read(byte[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
- read() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StraightStreamReader
Read a single character.
- read(char[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StraightStreamReader
Read characters into an array.
- read(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StraightStreamReader
Read characters into an array.
- reader - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
The Reader that can empty this buffer.
- readerClosed - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
true if the close() method has been called on the Reader
- readPosition - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
Index of the first byte available to be read.
- readPosition - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
Index of the first character available to be read.
- readPosition - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Index of the first Object available to be read.
- ready() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferReader
Tell whether this stream is ready to be read.
- ready() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatReader
Tell whether this stream is ready to be read.
- ready() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseReader
- ready() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StraightStreamReader
Tell whether this stream is ready to be read.
- reallyClose() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseInputStream
Actually closes this stream and releases any system
resources associated with the stream, as opposed to
the close() method, which does nothing.
- reallyClose() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseOutputStream
Actually closes this stream and releases any system
resources associated with the stream, as opposed to
the close() method, which does nothing.
- reallyClose() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseReader
Actually closes this stream and releases any system
resources associated with the stream, as opposed to
the close() method, which does nothing.
- reallyClose() - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseStream
Actually closes this stream and releases any system
resources associated with the stream, as opposed to
the close() method, which does nothing.
- reallyClose() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseWriter
Actually closes this stream and releases any system
resources associated with the stream, as opposed to
the close() method, which does nothing.
- remove() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ArrayIterator
Removes the last object from the array by setting the slot in
the array to null.
- remove() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.EnumerationIterator
Operation not supported.
- remove() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
This implementation always throws UnsupportedOperationException
- remove(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Remove any property with the given name.
- repetition - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
One less than the maximum number of repeated characters
that are allowed in a password.
- replace(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Replace occurrences of a substring.
- reset() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferInputStream
Reset the stream.
- reset() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferReader
Reset the stream.
- reset() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatInputStream
Reset not supported.
- reset() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatReader
Reset not supported.
- reset() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5
Reset the MD5 sum to its initial state.
- reset() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseInputStream
- reset() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseReader
- reset() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
- reset() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StraightStreamReader
Reset the stream.
- restOfText() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Retrieves the rest of the text as a single token.
- returnEmptyTokens - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Whether empty tokens should be returned.
- reverseBase64Chars - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.Base64
Reverse lookup table for the Base64 alphabet.
- run(Runnable) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Parallelizer
Run the given job.
- run(Runnable, String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Parallelizer
Run the given job.
- run(ThreadGroup, Runnable) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Parallelizer
Run the given job.
- run(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Parallelizer
Run the given job.
- run(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String, long) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Parallelizer
Run the given job.
- save(Properties) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
Save the options used to the given properties file.
- save(String[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Save these properties from a user file.
- save(OutputStream) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Save these properties to the given stream.
- setAlphabet(char[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Set the alphabet used by this random password generator.
- setAlwaysQuote(boolean) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Set whether values printers should always be quoted, or
whether the printer may, at its discretion, omit quotes
around the value.
- setAlwaysQuote(boolean) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Set whether values printers should always be quoted, or
whether the printer may, at its discretion, omit quotes
around the value.
- setAlwaysQuote(boolean) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Set whether values printers should always be quoted, or
whether the printer may, at its discretion, omit quotes
around the value.
- setArgumentBounds(int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
Sets the bounds for command line arguments.
- setAutoFlush(boolean) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Set flushing behavior.
- setAutoFlush(boolean) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Set flushing behavior.
- setAutoFlush(boolean) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Set flushing behavior.
- setCancelText(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Set the label on the cancel button.
- setComment(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Set the comment associated with this set of properties.
- setCommentStart(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVLexer
Set the characters that indicate a comment at the beginning of the line.
- setCommentStart(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Set the characters that indicate a comment at the beginning of the line.
- setCommentStart(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVParser
Set the characters that indicate a comment at the beginning of the line.
- setDelimiters(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Set the delimiters used to this set of (non-token) delimiters.
- setDelimiters(String, boolean) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Set the delimiters used to this set of delimiters.
- setDelimiters(String, String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Set the delimiters used to this set of delimiters.
- setDelimiters(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Set the delimiters used to this set of delimiters.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Set the description for the program.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
- setEscapes(String, String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVLexer
Specify escape sequences and their replacements.
- setEscapes(String, String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVParser
Specify escape sequences and their replacements.
- setFirstAlphabet(char[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Set the alphabet used by this random password generator for the first character
of passwords.
- setLastAlphabet(char[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Set the alphabet used by this random password generator for the last character
of passwords.
- setLineEnding(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Change this printer so that it uses a new line ending.
- setLineEnding(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Change this printer so that it uses a new line ending.
- setListener(CmdLnListener) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
Set the call back object
- setLMSD(int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Adjust the number of significant figures such that the least
significant digit is at the given place.
- setLocale(Locale) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.Browser
Set the locale used for getting localized
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Set the locale used for getting localized
- setLSD(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Adjust the number of significant figures such that the least
significant digit is at the given place.
- setMaxRepetition(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Set the maximum number of characters that may appear in sequence more than
once in a password.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Set the name that appears as the default
An empty string will be used if this in not specified
before the dialog is displayed.
- setNameLabel(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Set the label for the field in which the name is entered.
- setNoArguments() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
Sets the argument bounds to require no arguments
(zero arguments minimum, zero arguments maximum).
- setNonOptionSeparators(String[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Set the "stop" option that causes any following arguments to be treated
as non-option arguments, even if they look like an option.
- setNumberSignificantFigures(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Adjust the number of digits in the number.
- setOKText(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Set the label on the OK button.
- setOptionalArgument() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
Sets the argument bounds for a single optional argument
(zero arguments minimum, one argument maximum).
- setOptionArgumentDelimiters(char[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Set the delimiters that separate a option name from a value
within a single argument.
- setOptionStarts(String, String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Set what long options and short options start with.
- setOptionStarts(String[], String[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLn
Set what long options and short options start with.
- setParameter(String, String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CGIParser
Set a name value pair as used in a URL.
- setParameter(String, String[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CGIParser
Set a name value pair as used in a URL.
- setPass(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Set the password that appears as the default
An empty string will be used if this in not specified
before the dialog is displayed.
- setPassLabel(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Set the label for the field in which the password is entered.
- setProperties(String, String[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Replaces all properties of the given name with
properties with the given values.
- setProperties(String, String[], String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Replaces all properties of the given name with
properties with the given values.
- setProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Replaces all properties of the given name with
a single property with the given value.
- setProperty(String, String, String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.UberProperties
Replaces all properties of the given name with
a single property with the given value.
- setRandomGenerator(SecureRandom) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Set the random number generator used by this random password generator.
- setRequiredArgument() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
Sets the argument bounds for a single required argument
(one argument minimum, one argument maximum).
- setReturnEmptyTokens(boolean) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Set whether empty tokens should be returned from this point in
in the tokenizing process onward.
- setText(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Set the text to be tokenized in this StringTokenizer.
- setUnlimitedArguments() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
Sets the argument bounds for unlimited (but optional) arguments
(zero arguments minimum, Integer.MAX_VALUE arguments maximum).
- setUserObject(Object) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CmdLnOption
An object that may be set by the user.
- shortValue() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Returns the value of this number as a short.
- showDialog() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.PasswordDialog
Shows the dialog and returns true if the user pressed ok.
- SignificantFigures - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
A number with an associated number of significant figures.
- SignificantFigures(String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Create a SignificantFigures object from a String representation of a number.
- SignificantFigures(byte) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Create a SignificantFigures object from a byte.
- SignificantFigures(short) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Create a SignificantFigures object from a short.
- SignificantFigures(int) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Create a SignificantFigures object from an integer.
- SignificantFigures(long) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Create a SignificantFigures object from a long.
- SignificantFigures(float) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Create a SignificantFigures object from a float.
- SignificantFigures(double) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Create a SignificantFigures object from a double.
- SignificantFigures(Number) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.SignificantFigures
Create a SignificantFigures object from a java number such as
a BigDecimal, BigInteger, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, or
- SizeLimitInputStream - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
An input stream wrapper that will read only a set number of bytes from the
underlying stream.
- SizeLimitInputStream(InputStream, long) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
Create a new size limit input stream from
another stream given a size limit.
- skip(long) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferInputStream
Skip bytes.
- skip(long) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferReader
Skip characters.
- skip(long) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Skip Objects.
- skip(long) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatInputStream
Skips over and discards n bytes of data from this input stream.
- skip(long) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ConcatReader
Skip characters.
- skip(long) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseInputStream
- skip(long) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseReader
- skip(long) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.SizeLimitInputStream
- skip(long) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StraightStreamReader
Skip characters.
- skipDelimiters() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Advances the current position so it is before the next token.
- split(String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Split the given String into tokens.
- splitIncludeDelimiters(String, String) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Split the given String into tokens.
- startsWithAny(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Tests to see if the given string starts with any of the given terms.
- startsWithAnyIgnoreCase(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
Tests to see if the given string starts with any of the given terms.
- StraightStreamReader - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
A StraightStreamReader is a bridge from byte streams to character streams: It reads bytes
and translates them into characters without using a character encoding.
- StraightStreamReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.StraightStreamReader
Create a StraightStreamReader from an InputStream
- StringHelper - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
Utilities for String formatting, manipulation, and queries.
- StringHelper() - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.StringHelper
- StringTokenizer - Class in com.Ostermiller.util
The string tokenizer class allows an application to break a string into
- StringTokenizer(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string.
- StringTokenizer(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string.
- StringTokenizer(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string.
- StringTokenizer(String, String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string.
- StringTokenizer(String) - Constructor for class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string.
- strLength - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.StringTokenizer
The length of the text.
- STYLE_DOS - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
The Windows and DOS line ending ("\r\n")
- STYLE_JAVA - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
The UNIX and Java line ending ("\n")
- STYLE_MAC - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
The MacIntosh line ending ("\r")
- STYLE_N - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
The UNIX and Java line ending ("\n")
- STYLE_R - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
The MacIntosh line ending ("\r")
- STYLE_RN - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
The Windows and DOS line ending ("\r\n")
- STYLE_SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
The system line ending as determined
by System.getProperty("line.separator")
- STYLE_UNIX - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
The UNIX and Java line ending ("\n")
- STYLE_WINDOWS - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.LineEnds
The Windows and DOS line ending ("\r\n")
- SYMBOLS_ALPHABET - Static variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.RandPass
Alphabet consisting of all the printable ASCII symbols.
- write(byte[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferOutputStream
Write an array of bytes.
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferOutputStream
Write a portion of an array of bytes.
- write(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer.CircularByteBufferOutputStream
Write a single byte.
- write(char[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferWriter
Write an array of characters.
- write(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferWriter
Write a portion of an array of characters.
- write(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferWriter
Write a single character.
- write(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferWriter
Write a string.
- write(String, int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer.CircularCharBufferWriter
Write a portion of a string.
- write(ElementType[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Fill this buffer with array of Objects.
- write(ElementType[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Fill this buffer with a portion of an array of Objects.
- write(ElementType) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Add a single Object to this buffer.
- write(String) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Print the string as the next value on the line.
- write(String[]) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Print multiple delimited values values.
- write(String[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Print a single line of comma separated values.
- write(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Print the string as the next value on the line.
- write(String[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Print a single line of comma separated values.
- write(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Print the string as the next value on the line.
- write(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5OutputStream
Writes the specified byte to this output stream.
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.MD5OutputStream
Writes length bytes from the specified byte array starting a
offset off to this output stream.
- write(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseOutputStream
- write(byte[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseOutputStream
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseOutputStream
- write(int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseWriter
- write(char[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseWriter
- write(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseWriter
- write(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseWriter
- write(String, int, int) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.NoCloseWriter
- writeln(String) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Print the string as the last value on the line.
- writeln() - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Output a blank line.
- writeln(String[]) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Print a single line of comma separated values.
- writeln(String[][]) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
Print several lines of comma separated values.
- writeln(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Print the string as the last value on the line.
- writeln() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Output a blank line.
- writeln(String[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Print a single line of comma separated values.
- writeln(String[][]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Print several lines of comma separated values.
- writeln(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Print the string as the last value on the line.
- writeln() - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Output a blank line.
- writeln(String[]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Print a single line of comma separated values.
- writeln(String[][]) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Print several lines of comma separated values.
- writelnComment(String) - Method in interface com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrint
If the CSV format supports comments, write the comment
to the file on its own line, otherwise, start a new line.
- writelnComment(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.CSVPrinter
Put a comment among the comma separated values.
- writelnComment(String) - Method in class com.Ostermiller.util.ExcelCSVPrinter
Since ExcelCSV format does not support comments,
this method will ignore the comment and start
a new row.
- writePosition - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularByteBuffer
Index of the first byte available to be written.
- writePosition - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
Index of the first character available to be written.
- writePosition - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularObjectBuffer
Index of the first Object available to be written.
- writer - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
The Writer that can fill this buffer.
- writerClosed - Variable in class com.Ostermiller.util.CircularCharBuffer
true if the close() method has been called on the writer