Finds a nice sized window for a graph based on the max and min of the equations that are entered.

Enter all the expresions that you want into the Y= menu. Run the program and enter a bound. Select which expresion should be the maximum and the minimum. This example uses Y=X^2 as the max and Y=X^3 as the min. You can use the same expression as both the max and the min.
660 bytes on calculator | |
TI82 HTML Source Code | Best version to use when keying in the program in by hand. |
TI82 Plain Text Source Code | In the ASCII format used by the TI Graph Link software. Consult the character reference for special characters such as '/'. |
TI82 Application | Upload to calculator using TI Graph Link software and computer/calculator cable connection. |
TI83/TI83-Plus HTML Source Code | Best version to use when keying in the program in by hand. |
TI83/TI83-Plus Plain Text Source Code | In the ASCII format used by the TI Graph Link software. Consult the character reference for special characters such as '/'. |
TI83 Application | Upload to calculator using TI Graph Link software and computer/calculator cable connection. |
TI83-Plus Application | Upload to calculator using TI Graph Link software and computer/calculator cable connection. |