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Nice Window


Finds a nice sized window for a graph based on the max and min of the equations that are entered.


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Enter all the expresions that you want into the Y= menu. Run the program and enter a bound. Select which expresion should be the maximum and the minimum. This example uses Y=X^2 as the max and Y=X^3 as the min. You can use the same expression as both the max and the min.


660 bytes on calculator
TI82 HTML Source Code Best version to use when keying in the program in by hand.
TI82 Plain Text Source Code In the ASCII format used by the TI Graph Link software. Consult the character reference for special characters such as '/'.
TI82 Application Upload to calculator using TI Graph Link software and computer/calculator cable connection.
TI83/TI83-Plus HTML Source Code Best version to use when keying in the program in by hand.
TI83/TI83-Plus Plain Text Source Code In the ASCII format used by the TI Graph Link software. Consult the character reference for special characters such as '/'.
TI83 Application Upload to calculator using TI Graph Link software and computer/calculator cable connection.
TI83-Plus Application Upload to calculator using TI Graph Link software and computer/calculator cable connection.