Solves quadratic equations. It gives an exact answer in simplified form for both real and imaginary roots. If there are real roots, it can give a decimal approximation. It also gives information, such as the vertex, about the parabola descibed by the equation such as the vertex.

As in this example for 2x^2+8x+7=0 A=2, B=8, and C=7. The solution from the program is -2+-(1/2)*sqrt(2). All fractions are in lowest terms and as much as possible is taken out from under the square root. The decimal approximations also displayed. As you can see, if imaginary roots are required, the program will display an i in the correct place and display no real roots. The vertex portion of the program returns the vertex of the equation y=Ax^2+Bx+C.
1229 bytes on calculator | |
TI82 HTML Source Code | Best version to use when keying in the program in by hand. |
TI82 Plain Text Source Code | In the ASCII format used by the TI Graph Link software. Consult the character reference for special characters such as '/'. |
TI82 Application | Upload to calculator using TI Graph Link software and computer/calculator cable connection. |
TI83 Application | Upload to calculator using TI Graph Link software and computer/calculator cable connection. |
TI83-Plus Application | Upload to calculator using TI Graph Link software and computer/calculator cable connection. |