Converts temperatures between the Fahrenheit, Celcius, and Kelvin scales
There is also a javascript/html version of this program available.

The opening menu asks for a temperature scale to convert from. Once that is selected, the calculator will prompt for a temperature (F=? for Farhenheit, C=? for Centigrade, K=? for Kelvin). Enter the temperature and it will be converted into both other types. In this example, Fahrenheit is selected and 98.6 is entered (body temperature.) The corresponding temperatures are displayed on screen. The same proceedure will work for converting from Centigrade or for converting from Kelvin.
223 bytes on calculator | |
TI82 HTML Source Code | Best version to use when keying in the program in by hand. |
TI82 Plain Text Source Code | In the ASCII format used by the TI Graph Link software. Consult the character reference for special characters such as '/'. |
TI82 Application | Upload to calculator using TI Graph Link software and computer/calculator cable connection. |
TI83/TI83-Plus HTML Source Code | Best version to use when keying in the program in by hand. |
TI83/TI83-Plus Plain Text Source Code | In the ASCII format used by the TI Graph Link software. Consult the character reference for special characters such as '/'. |
TI83 Application | Upload to calculator using TI Graph Link software and computer/calculator cable connection. |
TI83-Plus Application | Upload to calculator using TI Graph Link software and computer/calculator cable connection. |