Ostermillerutil Java Utilities Tabs - com.Ostermiller.util Java Utilities

Converts tabs to spaces or spaces to tabs at the beginning of each line of files.

Internationalization - included languages:
  • English
Translations gladly accepted. Please translate Tabs.properties.
You may want to use: Attesoro - A Java Translation Editor.


  • Detects binary files and does not modify those files unless forced.
  • Can guess the tab spacing in a file and convert from the guess.

To run the program use the following command line:
java -classpath utils.jar com.Ostermiller.util.Tabs <file>

Tabs [-wgtsfVvqQ] <files>
Adjusts the tabs and spaces at the beginning of each line in files.
  If no files are specified standard input and output will be used.
  --help              Print this help message.
  --version           Print out the version number.
  --about             Print out license and contact info.
  -w --width <num>    Tab width (in spaces) of the input.
  -g --guess          Guess the tab width of the input file. (default)
  -t --tabs           Use tabs in the output.
  -s --spaces <num>   Use this many spaces (not tabs) in the output. (default=4)
  -f --force          Always modify unformatted files, even binary files.
  --noforce           Don't modify binary files.  (default)
  -V --reallyverbose  Print a message for each file.
  -v --verbose        Print a message for each file modified.
  -q --quiet          Print error messages. (default)
  -Q --reallyquiet    Print nothing.


OstermillerUtil Java Utilities Copyright (c) 2001-2020 by Stephen Ostermiller and other contributors

The OstermillerUtils library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

License FAQs - Why GPL? How about the LGPL or something else?