Ostermillerutil Java Utilities Download com.Ostermiller.util Java Utilities

The Ostermiller Java Utilities can be downloaded for various versions of Java and Kaffe below.


The utilities are pre-compiled and ready to use. Simply use one of the following to add the jar file to your classpath:

  • Put the jar file in the Java extensions directory.
  • Set your CLASSPATH environment variable to include the jar file.
  • Specify the jar file in the command line classpath when you compile and run your programs.
  • Extract the jar file to a folder already in your classpath.
  • Include the contents of the jar file in your program's jar file.
  • Reference the jar file from the manifest file in your program's jar file.
You can extract the contents of the jar file either with the jar tool that comes with Java or by renaming the jar file to have a .zip extension and using any zip file extractor.

If you have a Unix compatible system and you want to have easy access to the Base64, LineEnds, MD5Sum, RandPass, and Tabs command line programs that come in these utilities, run this install shell script.

Download Instructions

  • All downloads are in .jar format. Some browsers think that jar is the same as zip. If your browser renames the jar to have a .zip extension, please rename it back to .jar.
  • Be sure to download the version of the utilities that matches the version of Java that you are using. Otherwise you may get an UnsupportedClassVersionError exception.
file size description
Ostermiller Utils version 1.07.00 for Java 1.5 513k The latest version of the com.Ostermiller.util utilities including source code. Compiled for the latest version of Sun's Java (Java 1.5)
Ostermiller Utils version 1.04.03 for Kaffe 399k Version modified for compatibility Kaffe (version 1.1.4). This version is completely free software. It can be run on Linux with Kaffe, which has no dependencies on non-free software. Modifications include:
  • Does not use 1.5 features such as Generics
  • Classes that use Swing components have been removed: PasswordDialog, RandPassApplet, Browser
  • Unit test for the Circular Buffers does *NOT* pass, although the classes have been included. (Seems to be threading issues in the Kaffe vm.)
Ostermiller Utils version 1.05.00 for Java 1.4 438k Version modified for compatibility with the older Java 1.4 release. Modifications include:
  • Does not use 1.5 features such as Generics
Ostermiller Utils version 1.05.00 for Java 1.3 432k Version modified for compatibility with the older Java 1.3 release. Modifications include:
  • URLEncoding does not use a character set
  • StringHelper methods that rely on regular expressions have been removed.
  • Exception handling is less informative.

Version History

The major version number will remain unchanged until backward compatibility is severely broken (hopefully never). The middle number will be incremented whenever new utilities are added. The final number is reserved for bug fix releases.


OstermillerUtil Java Utilities Copyright (c) 2001-2020 by Stephen Ostermiller and other contributors

The OstermillerUtils library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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