Version History
- Version 1.06.01 - CSV changeQuote doesn't check if same character is used again; String Helper padding methods could be more efficient; CSV line ending character(s) should be settable, not unix \n by default
- Version 1.06.00 - ArrayHelper; ExecHelper; CircularBuffers no longer eat space when skip() is called.
- Version 1.05.00 - New Parallelizer thread utility; Added "mark of the web" to html files produced by the Browser opener to work better with Internet Explorer Windows XP service pack 2; Added splitIncludeDelimiters and join methods to StringHelper.
- Version 1.04.03 - Generics support for CircularObjectBuffer, ArrayIterator, ArrayEnumeration, IteratorEnumeration, and EnumerationIterator.
- Version 1.04.02 - LabeledCSVParser does not parse labels until they are needed rather than in the constructor.
- Version 1.04.02 - Enumerations and Iterators have better support for generics.
- Version 1.04.01 - ConcatStreams can dynamically accept more input sources, ExcelCSVParser saves input streams so it can later close them.
- Version 1.04.00 - SizeLimitInputStream class; Concatenation Streams classes; Updated all scanner definitions to work with JFlex 1.4; CGIParser catches IllegalArgementException thrown by URLDecoder; New unit tests for several classes; Unit tests standalone programs with no output on success.
- Version 1.03.00 - Labeled CSV class; new Iterator and Enumeration classes; NameValuePair class for CGI; CGI parameter order preserved; CGI character set bug fixed.
- Version 1.02.27 - Fixed a possible ArrayOutOfBoundsException in the MD5 libraries.
- Version 1.02.26 - CSVPrint updated with new methods for proper stream handling: flush, close, write methods that throw exceptions, auto flush control, and quoting behavior control.. CSVParse updated with a close method.
- Version 1.02.25 - Additional StringHelper methods for escaping regular expressions and comparing a string to multiple others.
- Version 1.02.24 - MD5 sums were not correctly computed for certain odd byte lengths. Convenience methods/constructors to CSV to change delimiters.
- Version 1.02.23 - Fixed numerous inconsistencies between UberProperties and java.util.Properties, added unit test.
- Version 1.02.22 - Fixed //" bug in CSVParser, configuration panel added to Browser.
- Version 1.02.21 - BadDelimiterException neglected for use in one place.
- Version 1.02.20 - Fixed crash when loading some properties files with the UberProperties class, BadDelimiterException class created to fix spelling error.
- Version 1.02.19 - CSV Printers no longer throw an exception when changing delimiters to the current delimiter.
- Version 1.02.18 - Ability to change quotes and delimiters on all CSVPrinters; @since tags on all javadoc.
- Version 1.02.17 - UberProperties ignore blank lines when reading, can save empty name value pairs.
- Version 1.02.16 - Browser opens better on OS X, more options for unix; More Base64 encoding options; Ability to change quotes on CSVParsers.
- Version 1.02.15 - Set methods for CGI params in CGIParser, Better command line options for Base64.
- Version 1.02.14 - Documented lexer skeleton files for build, corrected another change delimiter bug.
- Version 1.02.13 - Convenience returns for significant figure methods, include skeleton file in distribution, new download page on website.
- Version 1.02.12 - CSV bug fixed: delim change not possible for second instance.
- Version 1.02.11 - More examples, fixed CLASSPATH compile problem for JDK 1.4.
- Version 1.02.10 - Properties no longer lost at UberProperties EOF, examples for CSV, Circular Buffers.
- Version 1.02.08 - Ability to change delimiters in CSV parsers.
- Version 1.02.07 - Added convenience methods to sigfigs, browser doesn't escape forward slash.
- Version 1.02.06 - Updated French translations.
- Version 1.02.05 - Two Polish translations.
- Version 1.02.04 - Created build file for Ant.
- Version 1.02.03 - Convenience methods in CSV parsers.
- Version 1.02.02 - Unclosed quoted value in CSV bug.
- Version 1.02.01 - Documentation improvement.
- Version 1.02.00 - Applet added for Random Passwords.
- Version 1.01.00 - NoClose Streams
- Version 1.00.00 - First versioned release.
No version number was available before January 2003, old versions are not available for download. CVS from can be used to answer specific questions about revisions to a particular file.