Source Code

  • Parallelizer Documentation and Examples
  • Parallelizer Javadoc
     * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Matt Conway
     * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Stephen Ostermiller
     * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
     * (at your option) any later version.
     * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     * GNU General Public License for more details.
     * See LICENSE.txt for details.
    package com.Ostermiller.util;
    import java.util.*;
     * Runs multiple jobs in parallel, n threads at a time, and waits
     * until all threads are complete before continuing.
     * <p>
     * Typically, Parallelizer would be used to run each of the items-
     * in a for loop at the same time.  For example the following for
     * loop:
     * <pre>
     * for (int i=0; i<10; i++){
     *    System.out.println("Hello World " + i);
     * }
     * System.out.println("done");
     * </pre>
     * To this:
     * <pre>
     * Parallelizer parallelizer = new Parallelizer();
     * for (int i=0; i<10; i++){
     *     final int j = i;
     *         new Runnable(){
     *             System.out.println("Hello World " + j);
     *         }
     *     );
     * }
     * parallelizer.join();
     * System.out.println("done");
     * More information about this class is available from <a target="_top" href=
     * ""></a>.
     * @author Matt Conway -
     * @author Stephen Ostermiller -
     * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00
    public class Parallelizer
    	 * Constant that may be passed concurrentThreadLimit argument
    	 * of the constructor indicating that no limit should be placed
    	 * on the number of threads that are allowed to run concurrently.
    	 * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00
    	public static final int INFINITE_THREAD_LIMIT = 0;
    	 * The number of threads that are allowed to be run concurrently.
    	 * (INFINITE_THREAD_LIMIT for no limit)
    	private int concurrentThreadLimit = INFINITE_THREAD_LIMIT;
    	 * Create a new Parallelizer with no limit on the number
    	 * of threads that will be allowed to be run concurrently.
    	 * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00
    	public Parallelizer(){
    	 * Create a new Parallelizer with the specified limit on the number
    	 * of threads that will be allowed to be run concurrently.
    	 * <p>
    	 * When the concurrent thread limit is reached and the parallelizer
    	 * gets a new thread to run, the new thread will be queued until
    	 * a thread finishes.
    	 * @param concurrentThreadLimit number of threads that will be allowed
    	 *     to run simultaneously or INFINITE_THREAD_LIMIT for no limit.
    	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if concurrentThreadLimit not a whole
    	 *     number or INFINITE_THREAD_LIMIT
    	 * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00
    	public Parallelizer(int concurrentThreadLimit){
    		if (concurrentThreadLimit < INFINITE_THREAD_LIMIT) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad concurrent thread limit: " + concurrentThreadLimit);
    		this.concurrentThreadLimit = concurrentThreadLimit;
    	 * A Set of threads that are currently running.
    	 * This set is also used as a lock to synchronize
    	 * anything that touches running threads.
    	private HashSet<Thread> runningThreads = new HashSet<Thread>();
    	 * A queue of jobs that have not yet been started.
    	private LinkedList<Thread> toRunQueue = new LinkedList<Thread>();
    	 * Run the given job.  The given job is either run
    	 * immediately or if the max number of concurrent jobs are already
    	 * running, it is queued to be run when some job is finished.
    	 * <p>
    	 * If this method throws an error, that
    	 * error may be handled and this method
    	 * may be called again as it will not re-throw the same
    	 * instance of the error.
    	 * @param job job which is to be run in parallel with other jobs.
    	 * @throws Error if any thread that is already running has thrown an Error.
    	 * @throws NullPointerException if job is null.
    	 * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00
    	public void run(Runnable job){
    		run(null, job, null, 0);
    	 * Run the given job.  The given job is either run
    	 * immediately or if the max number of concurrent jobs are already
    	 * running, it is queued to be run when some job is finished.
    	 * <p>
    	 * If this method throws an error, that
    	 * error may be handled and this method
    	 * may be called again as it will not re-throw the same
    	 * instance of the error.
    	 * @param job job which is to be run in parallel with other jobs.
    	 * @param threadName name for the thread that will be created to run the job (null for auto generated thread name)
    	 * @throws Error if any thread that is already running has thrown an Error.
    	 * @throws NullPointerException if job is null.
    	 * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00
    	public void run(Runnable job, String threadName){
    		run(null, job, threadName, 0);
    	 * Run the given job.  The given job is either run
    	 * immediately or if the max number of concurrent jobs are already
    	 * running, it is queued to be run when some job is finished.
    	 * <p>
    	 * If this method throws an error, that
    	 * error may be handled and this method
    	 * may be called again as it will not re-throw the same
    	 * instance of the error.
    	 * @param threadGroup group in which this job should be run (null for default group).
    	 * @param job job which is to be run in parallel with other jobs.
    	 * @throws Error if any thread that is already running has thrown an Error.
    	 * @throws NullPointerException if job is null.
    	 * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00
    	public void run(ThreadGroup threadGroup, Runnable job){
    		run(threadGroup, job, null, 0);
    	 * Run the given job.  The given job is either run
    	 * immediately or if the max number of concurrent jobs are already
    	 * running, it is queued to be run when some job is finished.
    	 * <p>
    	 * If this method throws an error, that
    	 * error may be handled and this method
    	 * may be called again as it will not re-throw the same
    	 * instance of the error.
    	 * @param threadGroup group in which this job should be run (null for default group).
    	 * @param job job which is to be run in parallel with other jobs.
    	 * @param threadName name for the thread that will be created to run the job (null for auto generated thread name)
    	 * @throws Error if any thread that is already running has thrown an Error.
    	 * @throws NullPointerException if job is null.
    	 * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00
    	public void run(ThreadGroup threadGroup, Runnable job, String threadName){
    		run(threadGroup, job, threadName, 0);
    	 * Run the given job.  The given job is either run
    	 * immediately or if the max number of concurrent jobs are already
    	 * running, it is queued to be run when some job is finished.
    	 * <p>
    	 * If this method throws an error, that
    	 * error may be handled and this method
    	 * may be called again as it will not re-throw the same
    	 * instance of the error.
    	 * @param threadGroup group in which this job should be run (null for default group).
    	 * @param job job which is to be run in parallel with other jobs.
    	 * @param threadName name for the thread that will be created to run the job (null for auto generated thread name)
    	 * @param stackSize system dependent stack size suggestion for thread creation (0 for default stack size).
    	 * @throws Error if any thread that is already running has thrown an Error.
    	 * @throws NullPointerException if job is null.
    	 * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00
    	public void run(ThreadGroup threadGroup, final Runnable job, String threadName, long stackSize){
    		Runnable jobWrapper = new Runnable(){
    			public void run(){
    				try {;
    				} catch (RuntimeException runtimeException){
    					// Put exceptions in the exception queue
    				} catch (Error error){
    					// Put errors in the error queue
    				} finally {
    						// when done remove ourselves from the list
    						// of running threads.
    						// Notify the block method.
    					// If there are jobs queued up to be run, now would
    					// be a good time to run them.
    		// ensure the thread name is not null, and auto generate a name if it is
    		threadName = getNextThreadName(threadName);
    		// If we are already running the max number of jobs, queue this job up
    				new Thread(
    		// Now that the job is in the queue of jobs to run,
    		// check the queue and see if the job should be started
    	 * An number to assign to the next auto generated thread name
    	private static int threadNameCount = 0;
    	 * Ensure the given thread name is not null.  If not null, return it,
    	 * if it is null, then then generate a name.
    	 * @param threadName existing thread name to check
    	 * @return the given thread name or a generated thread name if the specified name was null.
    	private static String getNextThreadName(String threadName){
    		if (threadName != null) return threadName;
    		return "Parallelizer-"+(threadNameCount++);
    	 * A queue of exceptions that running threads have thrown.
    	private LinkedList<RuntimeException> exceptionList = new LinkedList<RuntimeException>();
    	 * Remove the first exception from the exception list and throw it.
    	 * @throws RuntimeException if a running thread has thrown an exception not yet thrown by this method.
    	private void throwFirstException(){
    			if (exceptionList.size() > 0){
    				throw exceptionList.removeFirst();
    	 * A queue of exceptions that running threads have thrown.
    	private LinkedList<Error> errorList = new LinkedList<Error>();
    	 * Remove the first error from the error list and throw it.
    	 * @throws Error if a running thread has thrown an error not yet thrown by this method.
    	private void throwFirstError() throws Error {
    			if (errorList.size() > 0){
    				throw errorList.removeFirst();
    	 * Remove a job from the toRunQueue, create a thread for it,
    	 * start the thread, and put the job in the set of running jobs.
    	 * But do all this only if there are jobs queued up to be run
    	 * and we are not already running the max number of concurrent
    	 * jobs at once.
    	private void startAJobIfNeeded(){
    			// If we are already running the max number of jobs, just return
    			if (concurrentThreadLimit != INFINITE_THREAD_LIMIT){
    				if (runningThreads.size() >= concurrentThreadLimit) return;
    			// If there are no more job to run, return
    			if (toRunQueue.size() == 0) return;
    			// Get a job out of the queue
    			Thread thread = toRunQueue.removeFirst();
    			// Put the thread in the list of running threads
    	 * Return true iff all jobs that have been requested to run
    	 * in this Parallelizer have completed.
    	 * <p>
    	 * If this method throws an error, that
    	 * error may be handled and this method
    	 * may be called again as it will not re-throw the same
    	 * instance of the error.
    	 * @return Whether all jobs are done or not.
    	 * @throws Error if any of the running threads has thrown an Error.
    	 * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00
    	public boolean done(){
    			return (toRunQueue.size() + runningThreads.size()) == 0;
    	 * All currently running threads will be interrupted.
    	 * The threads interrupted threads may die, causing
    	 * jobs that were queued but not yet started, to start.
    	 * <p>
    	 * If this method throws an error, that
    	 * error may be handled and this method
    	 * may be called again as it will not re-throw the same
    	 * instance of the error.
    	 * @throws Error if any of the running threads has thrown an Error.
    	 * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00
    	public void interrupt(){
    			for (Thread thread: runningThreads) {
    	 * Dump the stack of each running thread.
    	 * <p>
    	 * If this method throws an error, that
    	 * error may be handled and this method
    	 * may be called again as it will not re-throw the same
    	 * instance of the error.
    	 * @throws Error if any of the running threads has thrown an Error.
    	 * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00
    	public void dumpStack(){
    			for (Thread thread: runningThreads) {
    				for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement: thread.getStackTrace()){
    	 * Gets a list of all running threads.  There may be jobs that
    	 * are queued and do not yet have threads.  These job are not
    	 * returned.
    	 * <p>
    	 * If this method throws an error, that
    	 * error may be handled and this method
    	 * may be called again as it will not re-throw the same
    	 * instance of the error.
    	 * @throws Error if any of the running threads has thrown an Error.
    	 * @return an array of all currently running threads.
    	 * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00
    	public Thread[] getRunningThreads(){
    			return runningThreads.toArray(new Thread[0]);
    	 * Block until all the jobs in this Parallelizer have run
    	 * and then return.
    	 * <p>
    	 * If this method throws an exception or an error, that
    	 * exception or error may be handled and this method
    	 * may be called again as it will not re-throw the same
    	 * instance of the exception or error.
    	 * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting.
    	 * @throws RuntimeException any running thread throws or has thrown a runtime exception.
    	 * @throws Error if any of the running threads throws or has thrown an Error.
    	 * @since ostermillerutils 1.05.00
    	public void join() throws InterruptedException {
    		while (!done()){