Needles flat with 2 whitish lines on the underside. Needles are spiralled around twig, but look
as if arranged oppositely to each other -- Eastern
Needles are four-sided and arranged spirally around twig -- Red
Twig may have two types of leaves. The most common are scale-like and short (.15 to .25
inches). The other is longer (up to .75 inches) and sharp. The fruit is berry-like in appearance.
-- Redcedar
Bark breaks off into loose plates, giving the bark a shaggy appearance. Lower pair of leaflets
smaller than the others. Leaf smells fragrant when crushed. --
Shagbark Hickory
Leaf heart-shaped, four to five inches long and 3/4 inches wide. The base of the leaf is often
unequal. Edge of the leaf is coarsley toothed. Underside of the leaf smooth except for tufts of
rusty colored hairs. Veins very noticeable. Twigs, gray-brown. --
Leaf narrow and tapered to tip. Many times the back of the leaf has many reddish-brown hairs
near the base. Gray dots (lenticels) on the bark or branches. --
Black Cherry
Leaf smooth on both sides. Seven to eleven lobes. Buds pointed and light brown. Acorns have a
flat top and large nut. Inner bark cream colored. -- Red Oak
Leaf more or less covered with rusty colored hairs on the underside. Buds blunt, yellow-gray,
and covered with small hairs. Inner bark orange. Acorn has a deep round cup and a small nut. -- Black Oak
Long smooth sharp thorns on younger branches. Leaves vary from tree to tree (simple or lobed
with teeth on edge.) Bark brown and scaly when old. Fruit is small and applelike. -- Hawthorn
Thorns rough and short. Leaves vary from tree to tree. Fruit is a small irregular apple. -- Crabapple
This key was developed by "bt" in June 1982. It was put into HTML format by Stephen Ostermiller in July 1997. Copies of the entire guide in zip format that may be taken to camp on a laptop are available to those who write.